Many of you have (and continue) to pray for the Morrow's and the wonderfully challenging work we are blessed to be a part of with YouthReach International in Ukraine. Thank You!!!!
The Board, Staff, Mentors, and Short-Term Mission Volunteers at YouthReach International know we need the prayer support of many as we strive to exemplify Christ to the orphaned children of Russia and Ukraine. With this in mind, I would like each of you to prayerfully consider joining YouthReach International's Prayer Team. The document which I have attached to this e-mail briefly (but clearly) describes the responsibilities of a YouthReach International Prayer Team Member.
I am encouraging each of you to read this document and to prayerfully consider becoming a part of YouthReach International's Prayer Team. If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Once I have received responses from all who would like to be a part of this very important ministry, I will develop a contact list and begin sending weekly prayer requests to our YouthReach International Prayer Team Members. This weekly communication will also provide updates as to how God is answering our prayers.
Thank you so much for considering this request!
Tony Morrow
Director of Ukraine Operations
Youthreach International
(325) 439-0501
YouthReach International
Prayer Team
James 1:22
“Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”
I Thessalonians 5:17
“Pray continually.”
YouthReach International Lifestyle Commitment
The board, staff, mentors, team leaders, and team members of YouthReach International strive to:
- Read the Word of God daily
- Do what God’s Word says daily, and
- Pray continually
The YouthReach International family strives to live out a Reading, Praying, and Obeying Lifestyle so Christ is exemplified in every area of our lives and ministry.
YouthReach International Prayer Team Commitment
YouthReach International seeks individuals who are willing to live a Reading, Praying, and Obeying Lifestyle and who are committed to praying daily for the advancement of God’s kingdom through the YouthReach International ministry.
A YouthReach International Prayer Team member is a person who commits to:
- Reading the Word of God daily
- Asking God to help them do what they have read daily
- Praying continually
- Maintaining a clear understanding of the YouthReach International Ministry
- Fostering a passion for the advancement of God’s kingdom in and through the YouthReach International ministry and,
- Praying consistently for prayers received from Tony Morrow the YouthReach International Prayer Team liaison
Please contact Tony Morrow at if you are interested in becoming a member of the YouthReach International Prayer Team
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